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Meet a very special group of puppets. They dress and act like real children. Like real children, each one has definite likes and dislikes, hopes and fear, talents and limitations. And, like real children, some have differences like mental, physical or emotional disabilities, and some have lives touched by abuse, drugs or divorce. Together, the Kids on the Block form the core of a unique and exciti... posted on Oct 02 2002, 549 reads


A new report says farmers and workers who grow coffee beans from South America and Asia are slipping into dire poverty while U.S coffee giants grow rich off their labor. Two fair-trade campaigns hope to reverse the trend.... posted on Oct 01 2002, 2,692 reads


... posted on Sep 30 2002, 843 reads


An envoy of the exiled Tibetan leader, the Dalai Lama, has arrived in Tibet. It is thought to be the first time in 20 years that such a visit has taken place.
... posted on Sep 29 2002, 1,346 reads


Started by Ben Cohen, cofounder of Ben and Jerry's, sifts through all the stuff going on in Congress. When your voice counts to create a just and sustainable world, you get an email alert. Then just by clicking one button a fax is sent to your congressperson in your name. It takes about 2 minutes a month and it’s free. ... posted on Sep 28 2002, 957 reads


Do all rappers spend their time writing lurid and obscene lyrics? Far from it - these two are publishing kids books with a positive message: ... posted on Sep 27 2002, 946 reads


Deeply moved by two books: 'Ishmael' by Daniel Quinn and 'The Ecology of Commerce' by Paul Hawken, Ray C. Anderson set out to turn his multi-billion dollar corporation into a sustainable and environmentally-friendly company, focused on recycling and diminished waste... and succeeded.... posted on Sep 26 2002, 1,206 reads


Youngsters who scored the lowest on fearfulness scales between the ages of 5 and 11 were much more likely to play individual or team sports at a high level in adulthood.... posted on Sep 25 2002, 1,233 reads


While U.S. incomes have gone up in the past thirty years, the percentage of people reporting that they are “very happy” has remained unchanged. Meanwhile, divorce rates have doubled, and teen-suicide rates have tripled. (Source: The Sun, August 2002)... posted on Sep 24 2002, 719 reads


... posted on Sep 23 2002, 1,184 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Lots of people talk to animals. Not very many listen, though. That's the problem.
Benjamin Hoff

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